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Denta bean is a food that appears in both Star Wars continuities, morphing from its Legends incarnation as a common space crop and vanilla bean equivalent into adzuki/red beans in the New Canon.

Legendary beans[]


Denta beans started off as brief mentions in two articles from West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal, both written by Paul Sudlow.[1][2] They don't sound like a rare or lucrative product; a smuggler named Danna says of them: "It's late in the season, but hopefully [Gyndine's] grain market can stand one more hold full of denta beans."[1] Denta beans are noted in the context of the Core Worlds and their agricultural practices: "cleared land is much too valuable a commodity to devote to denta beans or wrontin grain".[2]

Return of the beans[]

Denta beans returned several IRL years later. In another implication that they're common and inexpensive, Nebula Consumables abandoned a warehouse in Coruscant's space district, leaving behind "thousands of tons of expired denta beans". The warehouse gained the nickname "gartro rookery" for the flocks of gartros that were attracted by the denta beans and began roosting there.[3]

The Essential Chronology said Lando Calrissian was shipping a denta bean cargo to Taanab, an agricultural planet, when a pirate raid trapped him on the surface.[4] This cargo was elaborated upon as Lando doing a favor for an associate by shipping "hybrid denta bean seedlings" to the planet's Arcon Multinode Agricorp facility and then picking up another cargo for the Corporate Sector.[5] At the beginning of the Imperial Era, pilot Ny Vollen's freighter was hauling declared supplies: "flour, grass grain, pickles, powdered milk, sacks of denta beans, soap, dried fruit, all the staples that would come in handy for a siege".[6]

In the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, they were a possible Foraged Rare Component on Naboo and had the description: "Beans that grow wild as well as in hydroponic gardens. Can be used to add flavor to any dish."[7]

Denta beans at Dex's Diner[]

Denta beans were also used in the Dex's Diner menu as one of the flavored syrup options for Fizzyglug (space Pepsi) and an ice cream flavor,[8] acting as an equivalent to vanilla bean.

zoochberry cobbler I first tasted zoochberries while trading furbogs along the Corellian Run. Through these exchanges I ended up possessing any number of unusual items: hyperdrive attenuators, silicon-pronged tack trim, Sullustan gab-rippers and—you guessed it—more zoochberries than I knew what to do with (a single furbog is worth ten times its weight in zoochberries, after all). I ended up eating zoochberries almost daily, and one of my favorite ways to have them was in a fine cobbler such as this one. 2.7 credits           With a scoop of denta bean ice cream 5.7 credits

wasaka berry pie Enjoy a Wookiee-sized serving of this pie, packed with tangy wasaka berries in a flaky Kashyyyk wheat flour crust. We've already done the hard work of gathering and pitting the wasaka berries, so why not spoil yourself with a slice? 2.7 credits           With a scoop of denta bean ice cream 5.7 credits

all-Almakian apple pie Here's an old Leffingite favorite, made fresh from juicy, Kessinnamon-spiced Almakian apples baked to perfection in a golden pom seed flour crust. 2.5 credits           With a scoop of denta bean ice cream 5.7 credits

double-scoop sundae Enjoy a giant Neuvian sundae made the old-fashioned way with two generous scoops of denta bean ice cream and your choice of Trammistan chocolate or zoochberry topping. Served with atomically aerated cream and a zherry on top. 2.7 credits

Tibanna split For the ultimate dessert, sample this deluxe, Cloud City-style dessert prepared with three massive scoops of Hood Family "Bespinian Best" Ice Cream—denta bean, Trammistan chocolate and beebleberry—and garnished with flavorful toppings, atomically aerated cream, crushed ettel nuts and real Ecclessis figs. 3.7 credits

soft ice cream Smooth, creamy and colder than a wampa's whiskers, this is soft ice cream the way you remember it! Let our soft ice cream droid prepare you a Cerean cone with denta bean or Trammistan chocolate. 1.7 credits

Fizzyglug We proudly offer the full line of Fizzyglug products including Original Fizzyglug, Diet Fizzyglug, Zero Gravity Fizzyglug and the new Adegan Crystal Fizzyglug. For no extra charge, add any of the following flavored syrups to make your favorite drink combination: bilaberry, denta bean, Geldan sun-apple, Ishi Tib-cracked coconut, jewel-fruit, manta pear, nikkle nut, pallie, Roonan lemon, scry-mint, shuura fruit, sunberry, sweetmelon, Trammistan chocolate, zherry or zwil.. 1.7 credits

— All the denta beans[8]

New Canon: buns and beverages[]

Denta beans in the New Canon are used as an adzuki bean equivalent for denta bean buns.[9] As E. K. Johnston explained, she originally wrote Quarsh Panaka eating red bean buns in Queen's Peril, but the Story Group wanted it to be more Star Wars-y.[10] Denta beans show up again as an ingredient in a drink prepared at the direction of Torro Sbazzle, Lando's executive chef, for the worst dinner party ever. They're roasted and then steeped with boiled whilk milk (milk produced by whilks) and thalassa seeds (unexplained). The drink is described as "popular on Coruscant, wondrously bitter and guaranteed to put a little pep in one's step". The story doesn't specify which of the ingredients provides the pep,[11] but adzuki beans don't have that effect IRL.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Legends · Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 3, "Galaxywide NewsNets", by Paul Sudlow in the series Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Published 1994 by West End Games.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Legends · Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 7, "Into the Core Worlds", by Paul Sudlow in the series Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Published 1995 by West End Games.
  3. Legends · Coruscant and the Core Worlds, "Coruscant", by Craig Robert Carey, Chris Doyle, Jason Fry, Paul Sudlow, John Terra, and Daniel Wallace in the series Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Published 2003 by Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Legends · The Essential ChronologyPart III—Profiles in History — "Lando Calrissian": "'The Respectable One' (0–3 A.B.Y.)", by Kevin J. Anderson and Daniel Wallace.
  5. Legends · The Official Star Wars Fact File, issue #96, "The Battle of Taanab". Published 2003 by De Agostini. TAA1–2
  6. Legends · Imperial Commando: 501st, chapter 1, by Karen Traviss. Published 2009 by Del Rey.
  7. Legends · Star Wars Galaxies, "Denta Beans" (Foraged Rare Component [Naboo]). Developed by Sony Online Entertainment and released in 2003.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Legends · "Dining at Dex's" by Gregory Walker on Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club. Published 2009-12-03. (original link down; URL was: <>) (Archive link) (Archived as images)
  9. New Canon · Queen's Peril, chapter 14, by E. K. Johnston in the series Queen's Trilogy. Published 2020 by Disney • Lucasfilm Press.
  10. [Untitled] (Tumblr post) by E. K. Johnston on <>. Published 2020-06-14. (Archived on 2021-01-19)
  11. New Canon · From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, "But What Does He Eat?", by S.A. Chakraborty in the series From a Certain Point of View. Published 2020 by Del Rey.