Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki
Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki
Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki

This is a glossary of common acronyms, terms and ship names used in the fandom and on the wiki. For common ship names, see Fanlore's List of Star Wars Relationship Names. Feel free to add anything that isn't here. Some definitions use an emoji code to indicate what they refer to:

  • 📕 — Book
  • 📽 — Film
  • 📺 — TV show

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Notes and references


  • 1138 — a common easter egg in Star Wars and other George Lucas projects, referring to his first film, THX 1138.


  • ABY — After the Battle of Yavin, used as a calendar to indicate how many years in-universe have passed since the Battle of Yavin.
  • ANH — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  • AO3Archive of Our Own, fanfiction archive that includes Star Wars fanfics
  • AOTC — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  • ARC — Advanced Recon Commando (a type of clone trooper), Advance Reader Copy, or a starfighter


  • BBY — Before the Battle of Yavin, used as a calendar to indicate how many years in-universe there are until the Battle of Yavin.
  • BD — Battle droid, or the droid BD-1, or other droids in the BD series
  • BF2 or BFII — 🎮 Battlefront II
  • BKK — Bo-Katan Kryze
  • BOBF — 📺Book of Boba Fett


  • Canon — The body of content released after Disney bought Star Wars that is officially considered to have happened in the same universe. When lowercase, can also be used to refer to something considered to be officially considered to have happened in any continuity
  • CD — Cuy'val Dar, a particular Mandalorian group in Legends
  • CEU — Canon Expanded Universe, as opposed to the original Expanded Universe now known as Legends
  • CIS — Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • CSWE — 📕 Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a Legends-era encyclopedia that is frequently incorrect.
  • CT — Clone trooper
  • CW — 📽 The 2D animated 2003 TV series Star Wars: Clone Wars, or the in-universe Clone Wars
  • CWMP — The Clone Wars Multimedia Project, a storytelling initiative from 2002–2005


  • DBB — Dee Bradley Baker, a voice actor of many characters, notably the clones in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch
  • DC or D-Canon — Disney Canon, not DC Comics
  • DF — Dave Filoni, Chief Creative Officer at Lucasfilm
  • Disaster lineage — The sequence of Jedi masters and apprentices from Yoda training Dooku, to Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano. See our Disaster Lineage Timeline.
  • Disaster trio — Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano
  • DJO — Daniel José Older, an author of Star Wars novels and comics
  • DOTF — Duel of the Fates, either the musical theme from the prequel trilogy or the movie draft of Episode IX written by Colin Trevorrow
  • DOTJ — Dawn of the Jedi, either the Legends comic book series or novel Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void, or the Canon movie, all about the beginnings of the Jedi Order, or the Canon or Legends eras they take place
  • DS1 and DS2 — The Death Stars in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, respectively; hyphenated DS-1 and DS-2 when used canonically
  • DW — Death Watch, a particular Mandalorian group in both continuities
  • DT — David Tennant, voice actor of Professor Huyang


  • EKJ — E. K. Johnston, an author of Star Wars novels
  • EOD — 📕 Eye of Darkness, the first High Republic adult novel of Phase III
  • ESB or TESB — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
  • EU — Expanded Universe, originally referring to pre-2014 Star Wars stories in various media not overseen by George Lucas, such as novels, comic books, and video games. More on Fanlore


  • Fab Four — A nickname for the pilots Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson and Derek "Hobbie" Klivian
  • FACPOV — "From a certain point of view," as Obi-Wan said to Luke; alternatively, the anthology series From a Certain Point of View, such as FACPOV:ROTJ
  • FFG — Fantasy Flight Games, publisher since 2012 of miniatures and roleplaying games. Pre-continuity split content is unambiguously Legends, but whether or not their subsequent publications have "[re-]canonized" former Legends into the New Canon is... controversial
  • FFNET —, a fanfiction archive that includes Star Wars fanfics
  • Filoniverse — Animated and live action series helmed by Dave Filoni, used as if they take place in their own separate continuity (derogatory)
  • Firebrands — A nickname (and sometimes ship name) for the trio of Avar Kriss, Elzar Mann and Stellan Gios
  • FM — Fandom Menace, see TFM


  • GAR — Grand Army of the Republic, the army of clones that fights for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
  • GCW — Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance vs. the Galactic Empire in the Original Trilogy
  • GDLV — "Good day Lieutenant Vanto", a line of dialogue that Thrawn says to Eli Vanto in the book Thrawn: Treason.
  • GE — Galaxy's Edge, the theme park land in Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios; also seen as SWGE
  • GFFA — Galaxy Far, Far Away, used to refer to the setting of the Star Wars franchise.
  • GL — George Lucas
  • GOHGalaxy of Heroes, a Star Wars mobile game


  • HTTE — 📕 Heir to the Empire, the Legends novel by Timothy Zahn, or the trilogy of which it is the first book


  • IU — In-universe
  • ILM — Industrial Light and Magic, the special effects company that works on Star Wars films and TV shows


  • Jedi Apprentice — 📕 A Legends novel series
  • JAT — 📕 Jedi Academy Trilogy, a book trilogy, or James Arnold Taylor, the voice actor of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars
  • JFO — 🎮 Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order
  • JJM — John Jackson Miller, a writer of Star Wars books, comics and short short stories such as the novels Kenobi, A New Dawn, and The Living Force


  • KK — Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm and producer
  • KOTOR — 🎮 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the 2003 video game that had one sequel video game and a prequel comic book series


  • LCS — Local Comic Shop, where people will buy their comics from.
  • Legends — The continuity of Star Wars that was released up to Disney's acquisition of Star Wars in 2014, which was previously known as the EU and was rebranded to Star Wars Legends.
  • LF or LFL, Lucasfilm Limited, the production company that created Star Wars
  • LOTF — 📕 Legacy of the Jorce, a Legends book series
  • LOTJ — 📕 Light of the Jedi, the first adult novel in the High Republic multimedia series, written by Charles Soule
  • LPOA — 📕 Leia: Princess of Alderaan, a young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray
  • The Luminous — the group of authors who write for The High Republic, named after the initial codename for the project.


  • MCA — Military Creation Act, the law used to create the Grand Army of the Republic in Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.
  • MEW — Mary Elizabeth Winstead, the actor of Hera Syndulla in the TV show Ahsoka, who is also married to Ewan McGregor
  • MMORPG — Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Star Wars MMORPGs include Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • MSW — 📕 Making Star Wars, a behind-the-scenes book, or MakingStarWars, a website
  • MTFBWY — "May the Force be with you"


  • NEC — 📕 New Essential Chronology, a Legends reference book
  • NJO — New Jedi Order. In Legends, may refer to the order of Force-sensitives formed after the fall of the Empire led by Luke Skywalker. In Canon, it may be the reformation of the Jedi led by Luke between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, the group created by Rey Skywalker after The Rise of Skywalker, or the eras where the groups existed. Alternatively, it may refer to the Legends book series of the same title, or the as yet untitled Star Wars film set after The Rise of Skywalker.
  • NM — New Mandalorians
  • NR — The New Republic


  • O66Order 66, the order given to kill all the Jedi
  • Omnibus, or Omni — A large collection of comic book issues bound as a hardcover book. They often collect entire runs. In Star Wars, they also often collect related but harder-to-find issues to make a comprehensive collection of a certain era or subject.
  • OOP — Out Of Print, a company that makes book-related merch, or the phrase "out of print"
  • OOU — Out of universe
  • OT — 📽 Original Trilogy


  • PT — 📽 Prequels Trilogy


  • QGJ — Qui-Gon Jinn
  • QH — 📕 Queen's Hope, third of three Padmé Amidala-centered novels by E. K. Johnston
  • QP — 📕 Queen's Peril, second of three Padmé Amidala-centered novels by E. K. Johnston
  • QS — 📕 Queen's Shadow, first of three Padmé Amidala-centered novels by E. K. Johnston


  • ROTJ — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  • ROTS — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  • RPG — roleplaying game, including TTRPG (tabletop roleplaying game) and video game formats


  • SC — 📺 Skeleton Crew, the live-action TV show
  • Shatterpoint Lineage — The sequence of Jedi masters and apprentices from Cyslin Myr training Mace Windu, to Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus then Ezra Bridger, named for Mace's ability to see Shatterpoints, and the fan headcanon that Kanan also had the ability
  • SOTEShadows of the Empire, the 1996 multimedia project set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and released before the Special Editions. It introduced Dash Rendar and Prince Xizor and included a novel, comic books, video game, soundtrack, toys, and trading cards.
  • ST — 📽 Sequel Trilogy, but sometimes Star Trek, depending on context
  • Stormpilot — ship name for Finn/Poe Dameron
  • SWStar Wars
  • SWC — Star Wars Celebration, a large Star Wars convention, or Star Wars Combine, a MMORPG
  • SWE — Star Wars Explained, a Star Wars YouTube channel
  • SWGStar Wars Galaxies, the MMORPG launched in 2003 and shut down in 2011
  • SWR — 📺 Star Wars Rebels or Star Wars Resistance, both animated TV series
  • SWT — Star Wars Theory, a well-known Star Wars YouTube channel
  • SWTORStar Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG)
  • SWTWT, often swtwt — Star Wars Twitter, a nickname for the Star Wars fandom on the website X, formerly known as Twitter


  • TBB — 📺 The Bad Batch, a TV series
  • TCW — 📺 Star Wars: The Clone Wars, specifically the 3-D animated series from 2008
  • TCW era — The time period after Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, from Star Wars: The Clone Wars through Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, or the in-universe Clone Wars from 22–19 BBY
  • TEA — 📕 The Essential Atlas, a Legends reference book
  • TFA — 📽 New Canon · Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
  • TFM — The Fandom Menace, a nickname (a pun on The Phantom Menace) for certain parts of the Star Wars fandom
  • TFS — 📕 The Fallen Star, the third adult novel in the High Republic series, by Claudia Gray
  • TFUThe Force Unleashed, a video game series
  • THR — 📕 The High Republic. Can refer to the multimedia initiative, or the time period of in which it takes place, or the comics of that title. Sometimes also used for The Hollywood Reporter, a trade magazine which reports on the TV and film industry, including Star Wars
  • THRAThe High Republic Adventures, a comics series set during the High Republic era.
  • TLJ — 📽 New Canon · Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi
  • TM — True Mandalorians
  • TMAG — 📽 The Mandalorian and Grogu, an upcoming Star Wars movie
  • TOR — The Old Republic, either the time period or the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic set in TOR
  • TOTF — 📕 Temptation of the Force, the second adult novel in the third phase of the High Republic initiative
  • TOTJ — 📺 Tales of the Jedi, either a Legends comic book series released before the prequels; or the 2022 New Canon animated anthology series of the same name (which is completely unrelated)
  • TPB — Trade paperback. A collection of comic issues released together as a book, but not as big as an omnibus. When used for books, it refers to books that are larger in size than mass-market paperbacks to be a similar size to hardcover books, but still being paperback.
  • TPM — 📽 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  • TROS — 📽 New Canon · Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
  • TRS — 📕 The Rising Storm, the second adult novel in the High Republic, written by Cavan Scott
  • TSLStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, greatly abbreviated
  • TTRPG or TRPG — tabletop roleplaying game, such as Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game or Dungeons & Dragons
  • TTTThe Thrawn Trilogy, a Legends book series written by Timothy Zahn starting with Heir to the Empire, although there are two other Canon trilogies about Thrawn written by Zahn


  • UCS — Ultimate Collector Series, a series of Star Wars LEGO sets


  • VE — the VisualEditor on the wiki


  • WBW — World Between Worlds, a mystical location
  • WEG — West End Games, publisher of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from the late 1980s-1999, originating a lot of material like Aurebesh and various species names
  • WOTC — Wizards of the Coast, publisher of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game from 2000-2010 (not to be confused with WEG's)


  • YJA — 📺 Young Jedi Adventures, a TV series
  • YJK — 📕 Young Jedi Knights, a young adult book series