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Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki

Sabé was introduced to Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace viewers when Padmé revealed she was the real Queen Amidala and the seeming Queen beside her was actually someone else: "This is my decoy, my protection... my loyal bodyguard." Until that point, several scenes of "Queen Amidala" had actually been Sabé, while Padmé pretended to be one of her own handmaidens. She is not named in the film, but she is in the credits, which misspelled the name of actor Keira Knightley as "Kiera".[1] The TPM screenplay includes her name, but doesn't always use it when Sabé is in a scene, whether or not she's acting as the Queen during it.[13]

In Legends, Sabé rarely showed up outside of that film. She was a secondary character in some of the TPM tie-in children's books: Queen in Disguise, The Queen's Amulet, and Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala. Her characterization in these stories is entirely in relation to being Padmé's decoy.

New Canon changed this with three books by E. K. Johnston, now called the Queen's Series. In chronological story order rather than release order, they are:

She's also a major character in multiple story arcs of the Darth Vader (2020) comic book series, all written by Greg Pak. Excluding flashbacks and visions, she appears in issues #1–5, #18 (only on last 2 pages), #20–34, the Star Wars/Darth Vader issue of Free Comic Book Day 2024, and #46–50.


The Legends The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide TTRPG has a character sheet for Sabé that makes her a multiclass 2nd-level noble/4th-level scoundrel;[14] however, the description of the prestige class "infiltrator" lists her as an example.[15] In addition to Basic, her linguist feat[note 3] adds the languages Gunganese, Huttese, Ryl,[note 4] and Shyriiwook (cannot speak it).[14]



  • Padmé Naberrie's amulet is missing
    • Legends · Padmé startles awake after a bad dream about her amulet falling to the ground. She reaches for her throat but feels only a necklace cord instead of her expected amulet. The previous day, she'd visited a meadow outside of Theed and unknowingly lost her amulet in a grove of towering trees. Sabé enters the Queen's room and asks what's wrong. Padmé decides they'll both get dressed, sneak out to the countryside, and find the amulet before others wake up and realize the Queen's gone out without a full entourage. For some reason, Padmé wears her throne room gown for this trek outdoors. Sabé spots a sparkle in the leaves of the grove. Padmé tells her, "I can always count on you, Sabé."[3]

The Phantom Menace[]

Padmé crouched beside her, fixing some wrinkle in the hem of the voluminous black dress.

"We will do this," she said, so softly that Sabé barely heard her. Sabé reached down, and Padmé took her hand and squeezed it. "This dress has enough Karlini silk woven into it to protect you and anyone standing behind you in a firefight, and you know that's only the beginning. Naboo resists in its own way. Your people are with you, Your Highness. We are ready."

They were comforting words, and Sabé could easily imagine saying them herself, except she would never let her queen face such a dangerous situation, no matter what protections were woven into her robes.

— Before Sabé appears in the film, in a New Canon prologue[QS 6]
  • Trade Federation blockade and invasion
    • Legends · When Sabé and Queen Amidala return to Theed Royal Palace, troops guard every door. Amidala rushes to the throne room and learns the planet is surrounded by Trade Federation battleships.[3]
    • New Canon · The Trade Federation blockades Naboo for a week. Viceroy Nute Gunray refuses to send down a live representative, only droid emissaries, and Amidala will not go to one of his orbital ships since they would obviously capture her. Sabé throws herself into her duties as handmaiden. Chancellor Valorum's ambassadors will arrive on the eighth day of the blockade.[QP 4]
    • Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrive on a Trade Federation ship. Queen Amidala has a call with Nute Gunray about the expected Republic ambassadors and he pretends to know nothing. While on a holocall with Senator Palpatine, the Trade Federation disrupts communications as they escalate the blockade to an invasion.[1]
    • New Canon · Captain Panaka orders everyone out of the throne room since a breach of the palace is imminent. Sabé and Padmé have been fighting, but the invasion changes their perspective. When they arrive at the queen's suite, Padmé turns and catches Sabé's hand. Sabé says, "Anything we have to sort out, we can do it later. From this point on, I'm yours."[QP 4]
    • At some point while Queen Amidala is still in her throne room gown, she stands alone by a palace window, observing the Trade Federation forces.[1][3][QP 4]
  • The Queen's decoy
    • Sabé dresses in Queen Amidala's black travel gown to serve as the Queen's decoy, while Padmé puts on the same flame-colored robes as her other handmaidens to pretend she's one of them.[3][QS 6][Journal 2] Details differ by continuity and story:
      • Legends · Amidala either quietly speaks to Sabé so no one will notice them go to the Queen's private chambers[3] or she calls for the tearful Sabé to enter the room she's in.[Journal 2] Either way, Amidala tells Sabé, "It's time." They are alone as they make the switch.[3][Journal 2] As Padmé describes in her journal, "The amulet means everything to me. All the love and protection my parents gave to me is concentrated into that smooth stone." With that in mind,[Journal 2] she takes off her amulet and tells Sabé to wear it.[3][Journal 2] Sabé will be in the most dangerous position while disguised as the Queen, and Padmé also wants to express her gratitude for her dear friend's bravery.[3] Sabé initially refuses to accept the amulet,[3][Journal 2] saying it's her honor to serve Naboo and protect Padmé, but Padmé fastens the necklace around Sabé's neck anyway and says she'll wear it again when Naboo is safe.[3] (Whether or not she ever did is not part of these stories.)
      • New Canon · Padmé takes a moment for herself at the window before removing her throne room gown and makeup to change into handmaiden robes.[QP 4] In the dressing room, Rabé, Saché, and Yané hurriedly assist Sabé with the Queen's makeup, hair, and clothes (respectively).[QS 6]
      • New Canon · At some point while making the switch: Padmé wears a treasured necklace (a locket) and gives it to Sabé with the direction to return it later.[QS 5]
A girl in regal black garb is speaking, framed by two aliens and many other humans.

"I will not cooperate."

  • Arrival of the Trade Federation
    • New Canon · Eirtaé asks Sabé where she wants to be for the arrival of the Trade Federation. Sabé asks if they can make it to the throne room, but they can't; Yané suggests remaining in the dressing room could make their enemies underestimate them. As Queen Amidala, Sabé declares they will wait out on the terrace with Captain Panaka and any other guards that arrive. Padmé quietly reassures Sabé and they hold hands. The battle droids arrive on the terrace.[QS 6]
    • Sabé descends a palace staircase, with Nute Gunray on her right (screen left) and Sio Bibble on her left (screen right). Others include Rune Haako, Captain Panaka, the handmaidens, various security guards, and battle droids. Sabé tells Nute Gunray, "I will not cooperate."[1]
    • Retellings that differ from the film:[Screenplay 1]
      • Legends · Sabé-as-Queen is in the throne room and seated on the throne when Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and their accompanying battle droids arrive there. When she stands up from the throne, she delivers her line, "I will not cooperate."[16]
      • Legends · Nute Gunray is in the throne room and "requires the Queen's presence" there.[Journal 2] Battle droids escort the Sabé-as-Queen and the handmaidens into the throne room; Panaka, four security officers, and Sio Bibble are already there, along with Rune Haako. In Padmé's journal:[Journal 3]

I had coached Sabé on what was to come. I could guess everything that Nute would say. He was not clever. He went by the book. Eventually, he would resort to threats.

"I brought you here for a purpose, Queen Amidala," he began.

"I was not brought," Sabé said, her voice slashing like a sword. "This is my throne room. I do not recognize your authority, Nute Gunray."

Score one for Sabé! I kept my head down so that Nute couldn't see the satisfaction in my eyes.

Nute looked furious. He flourished a paper and told Sabé she had to sign a treaty that would legitimize the Federation's occupation. He has been assured that the Senate will ratify it.

Assured by whom? I wondered. Or was Nute bluffing?

Sabé told him icily that she would not cooperate. Nute didn't seem concerned.

"I think you will when you see what we have in store for your people, Your Highness." He drew nearer, pushing his dull green face close to hers. Sabé didn't flinch. "I hear that the Queen is compassionate as well as wise. She does not like to see suffering."

"Do what you will. I will never surrender!" Sabé spit out the words.

Good, I thought. Her tone was exactly as contemptuous as mine would be.

— Entry 3: Capture[Journal 3]
  • Escorting the prisoners; splitting the party
    • Outside of the palace, battle droids are leading the royal retinue, intending to imprison them, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan intercept and wreck the droids. The Jedi escort everyone to the palace hangar.[1]
    • At the palace hangar, when presented with options, Sabé directs her words to Padmé, "Either choice presents great danger... to us all." (see this linked screenshot). Padmé responds, "We are brave, Your Highness." Sabé replies to Qui-Gon, "Then I will plead our case to the Senate."[1]
      • Legends · By meeting Sabé's gaze and saying those words, Padmé communicates her decision: Go! Sabé then voices the true Queen's wishes.[Journal 3]
      • New Canon · Sabé makes the final call because she's acting as the Queen, not Padmé, but Padmé silently agrees they should go to Palpatine.[QP 5]
    • Inside the hangar, the party splits as the rest board the queen's royal starship to escape Naboo. Those left behind include Sio Bibble, Saché, and Yané.[1]
      • Legends · Padmé signals to Sabé with her eyes to have Yané and Saché stay behind because they are the youngest and newest of the handmaidens, and she prays they'll be safe with Bibble.[Journal 3]
      • New Canon · Yané takes Saché's hand and goes to stand with Bibble, so that's how they end up staying behind.[QP 5]
Girl sits on her throne in regal black garb, looking down at something not in frame. Behind her, three other girls stand in bright orange hooded robes. A man in a security officer uniform looks down at something off-camera.

"Padmé! Clean this droid up as best you can. It deserves our gratitude." From left to right: Rabé, Sabé as the Queen, Eirtaé, Padmé, and Captain Panaka

  • En route
    • In the starship's throne room, Sabé is seated on the throne and accompanied by three supposed handmaidens: Rabé, Eirtaé, and Padmé. The decoy Queen commends R2-D2 for his assistance in breaking through the Trade Federation blockade and directs the real Queen to clean him up.[1]
      • Legends · "Now that I am Padmé, the Queen can command me to perform tasks. I told Sabé she must do this, or it will look suspicious. But does Sabé get just a little pleasure out of telling me to clean up an astromech droid? Maybe. She's only human."[Journal 4]
      • New Canon · Sabé gives Padmé a reason to not stay sequestered with the Queen, instead letting her spend time with others in the busier parts of the ship, "though Padmé didn't for a second doubt that her double was also deeply amused by the situation."[QP 5]
  • On Tatooine
    • During a sandstorm, Sabé silently listens to a hologram of Sio Bibble as he describes what's happening on Naboo and requests that the Queen contact him. Obi-Wan tells her to send no reply.[1]
  • On Coruscant
    • The ship lands and the party disembarks on Coruscant, where they are met by Senator Palpatine and Supreme Chancellor Valorum. Sabé-as-the-Queen thanks the latter and they all travel in air taxis.[1] For all further scenes on Coruscant, Queen Amidala is herself.
    • Legends · In Palpatine's Senatorial quarters, Padmé resumes being Queen Amidala; "And Sabé will shroud herself and fade into the background." In her journal:[Journal 5]

As Sabé and I changed places, I thanked her for her courage and skill.

"We all need courage now. You most of all," Sabé answered and pressed my hand. There is a fierceness to her quiet ways. Her touch was gentle, but her eyes blazed. "I know you will see us through this, Queen Amidala."

Her faith gives me courage.

I know Sabé is glad to help. But I sensed her relief when she donned her handmaiden's cloak again. I'm relieved, too. At last, I can act. Everything we've done has led to this moment before the Senate.

— Entry 11: Queen[Journal 5]
    • While Queen Amidala discusses strategy with Senator Palpatine, Sabé is not there.[1][Screenplay 2] (Surely she's earned a break!)
    • Anakin comes to say goodbye to the handmaiden Padmé and is met at the door by Rabé, who tells him, "I'm sorry, Ani, but Padmé's not here right now." In the shadows, a handmaiden on the left holds clothes on a hanger as she stands by Amidala's open luggage, and she basically freezes. Queen Amidala is in her Senate gown when she walks into frame and another handmaiden side-steps/slides into frame on the right. Unlike Rabé, these handmaidens are dressed for the Senate hearing in stiff-shouldered robes with a gold center stripe, and by process of elimination, they must be Sabé and Eirtaé.[note 5] This scene keeps the count at one (1) Queen and three (3) handmaidens[1] (but as The Royal Handmaiden Society points out, Anakin apparently doesn't notice that one should be missing.)[17]
    • Queen Amidala addresses the Senate, accompanied by two handmaidens; however, Sabé is not one of them.[1][Screenplay 3] Where is she and why? Unknown.
      • Legends · Fact File suggests that "Sabé was able to take a break from this difficult duty when Amidala went to Coruscant to plead her people's case before the Senate",[19] but that only accounts for a break from being decoy.
      • New Canon · Queen's Peril has her witness the hearing—"Sabé was still wired from having watched [Padmé] overthrow the government of the Galactic Republic that afternoon after calling for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum"[QP 6]—which could be on a device/monitor rather than in-person.
    • In the evening, back at Palpatine's quarters, Rabé and Eirtaé wait near the door while Queen Amidala speaks to Jar Jar.[1][Screenplay 4] (Sabé is missing again.)
In the foreground: a girl in regal purple garb and a tall man in Jedi robes. In the background: three girls in bright orange hooded robes and a man in a security officer uniform.

"I welcome your help." From left to right: Rabé, Eirtaé, Queen Amidala, Sabé, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Captain Panaka.

  • Back to the ship
    • Legends? · Not compatible with TPM: before returning to the starship, Sabé and Padmé swap places again for the latter's safety while traveling. Journal: "By agreeing to be Queen, Sabé has again pledged her life. After we had changed clothes, we hugged each other, gripping tightly. We both know we may be switching roles for the last time. I might die as Padmé. Sabé might die a queen." The party regroups on the landing platform and Sabé speaks to Qui-Gon as the Queen.[Journal 6] Contrary to this story and the screenplay, the actual film does not include Padmé-as-Padmé and Sabé-as-Queen-Amidala for the landing platform scene.[Screenplay 5]
    • Sabé joins Rabé and Eirtaé in wearing flame-colored robes to accompany Queen Amidala, who is wearing her purple travel gown, to the landing platform. Amidala welcomes Qui-Gon's help. The handmaidens and their Queen board the starship.[1]
  • Return to Naboo
    • In the starship throne room, Rabé is on the left and Sabé on the right behind Queen Amidala (see this linked screenshot); Eirtaé is by the room's entrance. Amidala tells Panaka and Gui-Gon that she'll "take back what's ours" and calls upon Jar Jar for help.[1][Screenplay 6] (Journal mention that "Sabé and I must switch places again" is unnecessary since they were not swapped in the film.)[Journal 7]
  • Gungan Sacred Place
    • Legends · While waiting for Jar Jar to return from Otoh Gunga, according to Padmé, everyone was irritated with the Queen and did not know why she'd sent Jar Jar below; "I didn't want Sabé to reveal my plan until I knew the first part would work."[Journal 8]



The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition added to Sabé's post-TPM story. Her mentions are scattered across a few entries, plus one of her own. A question raised but not answered: does Sabé know that Leia Organa is Padmé's biological daughter?!

Regarding people affiliated with House Organa who aren't part of its family line, it says that "though she is not a member of the Organa family, the Naboo woman known as Sabé has been invited into House Organa to train Bail's young daughter and her friend Winter."[21] Alderaan's planetary information update says Bail Organa recruited Sabé "to serve as a noble envoy traveling throughout the galaxy to covertly establish resistance cells, spread and collect valuable intelligence, and oversee material support to those who have the courage to oppose the Empire."[22] Bail's profile closes with these sentences: "Organa's best hope remains his daughter, Leia, whom he adopted after the death of her mother, Padmé Amidala. During the Dark Times, he and a close group of tutors (including Sabé) raise Leia and train her in both the diplomatic arts and the broad-minded thinking necessary to bring the galaxy out from beneath the Empire's oppressive boot."[23]

Sabé has her own entry and character sheet:

The former handmaiden and bodyguard for Padmé Amidala pursues a similar career after the Clone Wars, working as a diplomatic agent for Naboo's rulers and a clandestine operative for the resistance movement among various Imperial Senators and insurgent groups.

After the Clone Wars, Sabé continues her service to the Naboo government as an aid to its representative to the Imperial Senate. Angered by what little she knew of her friend Padmé Amidala's death, Sabé identifies and cultivates contacts in the Senate and on sympathetic worlds who secretly opposed Palpatine's tyrannical rule and the Empire's oppressive policies. While walking the corridors of the bureaucracy, she quietly aids the resistance, relaying messages between agents, gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence, guarding against Imperial treachery, and counseling those who are seeking to channel aid to freedom fighters around the galaxy.

As a diplomatic emissary, Sabé has official access to transportation, not only between Naboo and Coruscant but to any worlds that have business, negotiations, or ties with her homeworld. This mobility enables her to expand her secret resistance activities beyond the Senate chamber; she smuggles equipment to nascent insurgent cells, conveys intelligence about Imperial operations, and trains freedom fighters in combat and espionage.

During this time, she befriends Senator Bail Organa and becomes one of his principal agents carrying out operations behind the scenes. She makes many trips to Alderaan to check in on Amidala's daughter, now Organa's adopted daughter, Leia. Organa encourages Sabé to tutor Leia and her close companion Winter in a variety of subjects, from etiquette and bureaucracy to the more esoteric arts. Though Leia learns much from Sabé, Winter spends more time with her, improving skills that later serve her well as Leia's double and bodyguard.

— Description of Sabé[14]

New Canon[]

I need some time, I think. To figure out who I am, when I don't have to be her.
— Sabé, to Tonra, when she is no longer a handmaiden[QH 2]

When Sabé attempts to return Padmé's amulet after the Battle of Naboo, Padmé tells her to keep it as her own.[QS 5]

Fan resources[]


General notes
  1. Star Wars Timelines dates Padmé Naberrie's birth to 46 BBY,[SWT 1] and "Padmé Naberrie is just 14 when elected" in 32 BBY.[SWT 2] In Queen's Peril, Tsabin is thirteen and will turn fourteen by the time Padmé is elected Queen.[QP 2] On the day of the election results, Captain Panaka tells Padmé (about to be Queen Amidala) that Tsabin is "your age".[QP 3] Tsabin and Padmé are "barely fourteen years old" when they meet.[QS 2] Put this all together, and Tsabin must have been born in the same year as Padmé. She also may be the younger of the two.
  2. Naboo Royal Handmaidens also alternatively rendered: Royal Handmaidens of Naboo, Naboo handmaidens,[10] just handmaidens, etc. The capitalization isn't consistent.
  3. In Star Wars Roleplaying Game, "Linguist" is a starting feat for the Noble class (requires minimum intelligence 13), along with Weapon Proficiency (pistols) and Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).
  4. Ryl is the name used for the Twi'lek language in Star Wars Roleplaying Game campaign guides. Other sources call it Twi'leki.
  5. No insight from the screenplay: "The doors open, and ANAKIN enters the Queen's quarters. RABÉ greets ANAKIN as TWO OTHER HANDMAIDENS come and go into the next room."[13] The Royal Handmaiden Society identifies Sabé on the left and Eirtaé on the right.[17] In a comic book, while mid-conversation with Sabé, Darth Vader has a red-tinged flashback to this scene with an added close-up of the handmaiden standing to screen right, suggesting she is Sabé.[DV 3] In the actual film, good luck discerning if Keira Knightley is actually one of the two shadowed handmaidens, but presumably neither is a brand-new handmaiden from a temp agency.
Screenplay versus film
  1. Books published in advance of TPM or in its release year were written by authors working from the screenplay, which differed from the final film:
    QUEEN AMIDALA, SIO BIBBLE, and FIVE OF HER HANDMAIDENS (EIRTAÉ, YANÉ, PADMÉ, RABÉ, SACHÉ) are surrounded by TWENTY DROIDS. CAPTAIN PANAKA and FOUR NABOO GUARDS are also held at gunpoint. NUTE and RUNE stand in the middle of the room.]
    ... how will you explain this invasion to the Senate?
    The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate.
    I will not cooperate.
    Now, now, Your Highness. You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander. (OOM-9 steps forward) Process them.
    Yes, sir! (turns to his sergeant) Take them to Camp Four.
    [The SERGEANT marches the GROUP out of the throne room.]
    — In the throne room instead of on the staircase[13]
  2. "QUEEN AMIDALA is sitting listening to PALPATINE. EIRTAÉ and RABÉ stand behind the QUEEN; PADMÉ is nowhere to be seen."[13]
  3. The screenplay specifies "SENATOR PALPATINE, QUEEN AMIDALA, EIRTAÉ, RABÉ, and CAPTAIN PANAKA sit in the Naboo congressional box, which is actually a floating platform."[13] Episode I Journal also says, "Our little group was made up of Captain Panaka, my two handmaidens Eirtaé and Rabé, and Senator Palpatine.[Journal 6] The Royal Handmaiden Society concludes that Eirtaé and Rabé are indeed there in the film.[18] Presumably-Sabé in the prior scene was dressed for the Senate yet didn't attend it?
  4. Although the screenplay says "EIRTAÉ and SABÉ stand near the door",[13] The Royal Handmaiden Society identifies Rabé (not Sabé) on the left and Eirtaé on the right of an archway as Panaka and Palpatine enter the scene.[20] When they walk towards the camera to leave, Eirtaé is especially identifiable.[1]
  5. This Episode I Journal entry reflects the screenplay's stage directions for both Padmé and Queen Amidala being present in the landing platform scene. Multiple Naboo arrive, "followed by QUEEN AMIDALA, PADMÉ, EIRTAÉ, and finally, JAR JAR. AMIDALA and her HANDMAIDENS stop before the JEDI."[13] The Journal then gives Amidala's film lines to Sabé.[Journal 6]
  6. Screenplay aligns with film for Sabé's presence, but not the other two handmaidens: "SABÉ and EIRTAÉ stand behind QUEEN AMIDALA as she talks with QUI-GON and CAPTAIN PANAKA."[13] This leaves out Rabé and has Eirtaé in a different place.


Specific books and Darth Vader[]

Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala [Journal]:
  1. Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala by Jude Watson. Published 1999 by Scholastic.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 2: Invasion", by Jude Watson.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 3: Capture", by Jude Watson.
  4. Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 4: Everything New and Strange", by Jude Watson.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 11: Queen", by Jude Watson.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 12: Galactic Senate", by Jude Watson.
  7. Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 13: Return", by Jude Watson.
  8. Legends · Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, "Entry 14: The Alliance", by Jude Watson.
Queen's Shadow [QS]:
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 New Canon · Queen's Shadow by E. K. Johnston in the series Queen's Series. Published 2019 by Disney • Lucasfilm Press.
  2. New Canon · Queen's Shadow, chapter 9, by E. K. Johnston.
  3. New Canon · Queen's Shadow, chapter 17, by E. K. Johnston.
  4. 4.0 4.1 New Canon · Queen's Shadow, chapter 14, by E. K. Johnston.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 New Canon · Queen's Shadow, chapter 12, by E. K. Johnston.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 New Canon · Queen's Shadow, "Prologue", by E. K. Johnston.
Queen's Peril [QP]:
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 New Canon · Queen's Peril by E. K. Johnston in the series Queen's Series. Published 2020 by Disney • Lucasfilm Press.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 New Canon · Queen's Peril, "Strength", by E. K. Johnston.
  3. New Canon · Queen's Peril, chapter 2, by E. K. Johnston.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 New Canon · Queen's Peril, chapter 17, by E. K. Johnston.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 New Canon · Queen's Peril, chapter 18, by E. K. Johnston.
  6. New Canon · Queen's Peril, chapter 20, by E. K. Johnston.
Queen's Hope [QH]:
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 New Canon · Queen's Hope by E.K. Johnston in the series Queen's Series. Published 2022 by Disney-Lucasfilm Press.
  2. 2.0 2.1 New Canon · Queen's Hope, chapter 27, by E.K. Johnston.
Darth Vader (2020) [DV]:
  1. 1.0 1.1 New Canon · Darth Vader (2020), issue #2, "Dark Heart of the Sith: Part II", by Greg Pak. Published 2020 by Marvel Comics.
  2. New Canon · Darth Vader (2020), issue #3, "Dark Heart of the Sith: Part III", by Greg Pak. Published 2020 by Marvel Comics.
  3. New Canon · Darth Vader (2020), issue #27, "The Queen's Heart", by Greg Pak. Published 2022 by Marvel Comics.
Star Wars Timelines [SWT]:
  1. New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "The Republic Crumbles", by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell. Published 2023 by DK.
  2. New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "Naboo Royalty".
  3. New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "The Approaching Storm (continued)".
  4. New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "Opening Assaults". (Year of Padmé's secret wedding to Anakin Skywalker)
  5. 5.0 5.1 New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "Rebel Cells" — "19 BBY: Amidalans".
  6. 6.0 6.1 New Canon · Star Wars Timelines, "Vader's Crusade".

Other references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 Legends & New Canon · Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  2. Legends · Queen in Disguise by Monica Kulling. Published 2000 by Random House. Illustrated by John Alvin
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Legends · The Queen's Amulet by Julianne Balmain. Published 1999 by Chronicle Books. Illustrated by Matilda Harrison
  4. 4.0 4.1 Legends · "Sabé" on Encyclopedia(original link down; URL was: <>) (Archived on 2014-01-20)
  5. 5.0 5.1 New Canon · "Sabé" on Databank(Archived on 2024-08-03)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Legends · Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, "Sabé", by Simon Beecroft. Published 2011 by DK.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 New Canon · Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, "Sabé", by Simon Beecroft and Pablo Hidalgo. Published 2016 by DK. Content reprinted in retitled 2019 and 2021 editions.
  8. Legends · Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, "Padmé Amidala", by Simon Beecroft.
  9. New Canon · Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, "Padmé Amidala", by Simon Beecroft and Pablo Hidalgo.
  10. New Canon · "A Guide to the Royal Handmaidens of Naboo" by Bria LaVorgna on Published 2019-02-25. (Archived on 2024-09-22)
  11. 11.0 11.1 [Untitled] (Tweet) by EK Johnston on <>. Published 2019-09-17. "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED (Sabé/Tonra, I think. Bi girls going after what they want.)" (original link down; URL was: <>) (Archive link)
  12. [Untitled] (Twitter thread) on <>. Published 2020-01-06. Exchange between E. K. Johnston and @toQrainbow, in response to a Tweet by @ChemyWords (original link down; URL was: <>) (Archived on 2020-01-12)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Real World · Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace: Illustrated Screenplay by George Lucas. Published 1999 by Del Rey.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Legends · The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, "Chapter XI: Allies and Opponents" — "Sabé", by Sterling Hershey, Peter Schweighofer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson in the series Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Published 2008 by Wizards of the Coast.
  15. Legends · The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, "Chapter III: Prestige Classes" — "Infiltrator", by Sterling Hershey, Peter Schweighofer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson in the series Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Published 2008 by Wizards of the Coast. "Lt. Judder Page, Sabé, Shira Brie, Winter, Bothan Spynet operatives."
  16. Legends · Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, chapter 7, by Terry Brooks. Published 1999 by Del Rey. Film novelization
  17. 17.0 17.1 Fansite · "Anakin Can't Count" on The Royal Handmaiden Society. Images are broken in live link. (Archived on 2016-06-04)
  18. Fansite · "Senate Appearance" on The Royal Handmaiden Society. Images are broken in live link. (Archived on 2016-07-10)
  19. Legends · The Official Star Wars Fact File, Issue 54, CharactersAmidala's Handmaidens (HAN5-6) — "Faithful Unto Death". Published 2003 by De Agostini (original series).
  20. Fansite · "Palpatine for Chancellor" on The Royal Handmaiden Society. Images are broken in live link. (Archived on 2016-08-20)
  21. Legends · The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, "Chapter IV: Organizations" — "House Organa", by Sterling Hershey, Peter Schweighofer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson.
  22. Legends · The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, "Chapter IX: Galactic Gazetteer" — "Planetary Updates".
  23. Legends · The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, "Chapter XI: Allies and Opponents" — "Bail Organa".