Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki
Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki
Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki

These are the rules and policies that govern this wiki. These rules may change, and if they do, an announcement will be made so the community is aware. If you have any questions or want to report a violation, please contact an administrator:

If you're looking for how to format pages or contributions, please go to the style guide instead.


  1. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. Do not use bigoted language, including slurs which degrade another person or group of people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
  2. Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall, respect their wishes. It is their wall.
  3. Do not vandalize the wiki: Do not add content that is unrelated to the wiki, delete large amounts of content without a reason, or post nonsense on walls or pages.
  4. Cite your sources: Use our style guide to find out how to use citations. Always source your canon information!
  5. Do not post fanon without clearly marking it: We welcome the documentation of fanon, but adding unsourced or incorrect information without indicating that it isn't canonical is not allowed.
  6. Respect the wishes of fanwork creators: When documenting fanon, use the {{Fanon}} template and please link to a statement from the creator that indicates they are happy with other people using their ideas. If they haven't made one, please don't document them on this wiki. Do not repost fanart without the explicit permission of the artist.
  7. Do not post any NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content: If you have headcanons about alien genitalia or sex acts preferred by certain characters, this isn't the place to document them! There are other wikis out there that do document that sort of thing, which you can find with Google/another search engine. Linking to NSFW fanfic is allowed as long as it is clearly signposted with the NSFW parameter in the {{Cite fanwork}} template, though quoting any NSFW parts is not allowed.
  8. Do not edit other users' userpages or subpages without permission: Working collaboratively on someone's workbench/sandbox is totally fine, but the owner of the userpage should clearly indicate they give their permission. Otherwise, this may be considered harassment.
  9. Do not post spoilers outside of the {{Spoiler}} template: Spoilers include anything released in the last two months, endings, plot twists, etc. Ask yourself "If I hadn't already read/watched this, would I be bummed to get it spoiled on a wiki page?" and if the answer is yes, spoiler it! It's better to err on the side of caution. If you're spoilering a large amount of text, use {{Collapse}} or {{Spoiler banner}} instead.
  10. Obey the Fandom Terms of Use: As well as these rules, the website's Terms of Use always apply.


The wiki's warning system will provide multiple opportunities for editors to resolve any policy violations before they are banned. Editors who are found to be acting in malice are exempt from this warning system and may be immediately sanctioned.

  1. Reminder — Reminders are given for minor first-time policy violations and serve to officially notify the editor of this wiki's policies. This will not apply to severe offenses.
  2. Warning — Most of the time, after a user breaks a wiki rule, they will receive a warning. Some serious offenses will go without a warning, but with minor violations, a user will receive at least one warning (there may be more than one depending on the violation).
  3. Ban — If a user has already received a warning and continues to violate the wiki policies, or they commit a serious offense, they will be blocked depending on the severity of the action.
  4. Extended Ban — Repeated violations of the rules will carry progressively longer bans. Additionally, if you are blocked and harass other users or administrators, your ban will be extended.
  5. Indefinite — If you continue violating major rules, including repeated and severe vandalism or vandal attacks after being banned, or commit a heinous act against a user or this wiki, you will be permanently banned on this wiki.

The sanction system comprises of eight different ban lengths that range from a one-day ban to indefinite. The length of a ban will rely heavily on the severity of the violation, and it will be up to the discretion of the issuing administrator.

If you want to appeal your block, contact an administrator on their Community Central wall and explain your reasons. The admins will discuss your appeal and respond in no more than seven days.
